如何安裝bugzilla之Testopia? 你装好了吗?我也在装这个,抱错。。。。 我也在装这个。但总是出问题 。现在的问题是,点击新建testplan的时候,报错:tr_new_plan.cgi: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at D:/bugzilla/tr_new_plan.cgi line 149., referer: http://localhost/tr_list_runs.cgi?current_tab=run&run_status=0
File does not exist: D:/bugzilla/testopia/dojo/src/dom, referer: http://localhost/tr_new_plan.cgi
tr_new_plan.cgi: Can't locate object method "autoconv" via package "JSON" at D:/bugzilla/tr_new_plan.cgi line 117., referer: http://localhost/tr_new_plan.cgi
tr_new_plan.cgi: Undef to trick_taint at Bugzilla/Util.pm line 66, referer: http://localhost/tr_new_plan.cgi
tr_new_plan.cgi: \tBugzilla::Util::trick_taint('undef') called at D:/bugzilla/tr_new_plan.cgi line 64, referer: http://localhost/tr_new_plan.cgi
Q: Error: Software error: undef to trick_taint at Bugzilla/Util.pm line 66 Bugzilla::Util::trick_taint('undef') called at tr_new_plan.cgi line 63 for Testopia version 1.2, bugzilla version 2.22.
A: First, make sure that dojo is installed and works (see above). This is caused when there is no version selected on the tr_new_plan page. The version dropdown list is populated by a dojo ajax call.
说是看Dojo是否安装并正常工作了。可怎么验证Testopia的Dojo 是installed and works了呢??