zaza9084 发表于 2018-11-28 11:50:31

【推荐原文】Data Migration Testing Tutorial: A Complete Guide


  Overview of Data Migration Testing:  It is quite often heard that an application is moved to a different server, the technology is changed, it is updated to the next version or moved to different database server etc.,  "      What does this actually mean?  "      What is expected from the testing team in these situations?  From the testing point of view, it all means that the application has to be tested thoroughly end-to-end along with migration from the existing system to the new system successfully.  Tutorials in this series:  "      Data migration Testing part 1  "      Types of Migration Testing part 2  System testing has to be performed in this case with all the data, which are used in an old application and the new data as well. Existing functionality needs to be verified along with the new/modified functionality.  Instead of just Migration Testing, it can also be termed as Data Migration Testing, where the entire data of the user will be migrated to a new system.  So, Migration testing includes testing with old data, new data or combination of the both, old features (unchanged features), and the new features.
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