sundyhui0322 发表于 2008-6-18 20:37:30



今天的考试,感觉测试点没有想象的多,也相对比较简单,活用的成分比较少,多数都是概念的基本含义。不过失误还是有的,其中2处是不应该有的失误,一处代码走读一时没想起来写成code reading拉,因该是code walkthrough,另外一处是缺陷报告一时着急忘记写了状态这个要素。



puchonghui 发表于 2008-6-19 07:16:55

code walkthrough............:L

云层 发表于 2008-6-19 10:25:06

code view?

sundyhui0322 发表于 2008-6-19 21:27:10

这个词是在测试理论上查过的,走读用的是walkthrough,代码走读是code walkthrough,没想到这个走读翻译的这么直白,不过也是,估计是有英后生汉才有这样的翻译。哈哈

puchonghui 发表于 2008-6-19 22:10:29
不过我觉得code walkthrough的叫法很别扭:L :L
反正最近几次面试时面试官都跟我说code review的



sundyhui0322 发表于 2008-6-20 22:54:25

呵呵,那我以后工作也要主要,code review,恩,听着也比那个通熟些

wjb-test 发表于 2008-6-26 11:25:31

code walkthrough:victory:

livehome2008 发表于 2008-6-26 14:50:40

It is no big difference really. It is only variations of the same thing, which means that you don't have to use more than one choice.
What your are using is rather a matter of how your development process look like and what requirements that are stated for the different development phases.

Walk-through is usually performed by "following" the code. The author should explain what the code is supposed to do from line to line, procedure call to procedure call etc. etc.
Inspections and reviews are basically the same, i.e. you have a meeting where people give their remarks of the code that they have gathered when they were reading it through (before the meeting). You can compare this to a review of any kind of document.
At our company reviews are more formal and must be documented in a review record. Inspections might be less formal and not documented.
In our development process we demand code reviews for all software components.

Seriously, I pretty agree with this.

sundyhui0322 发表于 2008-6-30 23:11:49

thank u!

rocky_chen0423 发表于 2008-9-11 20:57:37

好像code wokethrough 是代码走读
code review 是代码评审

nicktcandy 发表于 2008-9-14 10:36:51


guangleisun 发表于 2008-10-11 18:02:55

code review

panluhai 发表于 2008-10-12 01:09:15

嘿嘿 进来果然有收获

xuelove 发表于 2008-10-12 09:21:52

呀~就不能多失误点嘛,我就能多知道点题型啦(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……;P

LIV 发表于 2009-4-6 23:26:53


chinalifefxw 发表于 2009-4-16 09:42:56

我们昨个也考试了, 还是概念的东东比较多, 自和感觉良好,但还是小毛病多多, 希望通过这次体验能掌撑后阶段学习的真谛,加油!!!! ~~~~~~~~~skdjf~
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