请大家給点意见!! 我想,要有checklist 吧 首先要看PPQA的计划,看看里面对工作产品有没有要求,如果有要求,那是如何对应的。
[ 本帖最后由 笨猪 于 2008-5-28 17:06 编辑 ] SP 1.2 Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services
Objectively evaluate the designated work products and services against the applicable process descriptions, standards, and procedures.
Typical Work Products
1. Evaluation reports
2. Noncompliance reports
3. Corrective actions
1. Select work products to be evaluated, based on documented sampling criteria if sampling is used.
2. Establish and maintain clearly stated criteria for the evaluation of work products.
The intent of this subpractice is to provide criteria, based on business needs, such as the following:
• What will be evaluated during the evaluation of a work product
• When or how often a work product will be evaluated
• How the evaluation will be conducted
• Who must be involved in the evaluation
3. Use the stated criteria during the evaluations of work products.
4. Evaluate work products before they are delivered to the customer.
5. Evaluate work products at selected milestones in their development.
6. Perform in-progress or incremental evaluations of work products and services against process descriptions, standards, and procedures.
7. Identify each case of noncompliance found during the evaluations.
8. Identify lessons learned that could improve processes for future products and services. 序号 工作产品类型 工作产品举例 抽样要求
1. 计划类文档 项目管理计划、项目进度计划、配置管理计划 100%
2. 需求类文档 软件需求说明书 100%
3. 系统设计类 系统方案、系统接口说明书 100%
4. 概要设计类文档 软件子系统设计方案、软件子系统接口说明书 每类文档都应覆盖到
5. 详细设计类文档 软件模块详细设计说明 每类文档都应覆盖到,但应不低于10%
6. 软件代码 应不低于千分之二,保证各个子系统都覆盖到
7. 测试类文档 测试方案、测试用例、测试报告 每类文档都应覆盖到,但应不低于5%
8. 用户类文档 安装手册、维护手册 不作具体要求,由SQA和项目组共同确定
9. 报告类文档 项目周报、配置状态报告、配置审核报告、需求追踪和审核报告 至少每季度一次
10. 其它 不作具体要求,由SQA和项目组共同确定 1,检查文档,内容的规范性---基于一个比较好的技术规范体系;
2,利用需求追踪矩阵,组织技术专家,检查上下游工作产品之间的一致性。有SQA见证或外部专家组织参与的能保证客观公正的对工作产品进行评价的活动可视为PPQA的产品和服务评估。 谢谢详细讲解。