zaza9084 发表于 2017-10-30 16:43:58

【推荐原文】How to choose a functional testing tool: 7 key considerations

原文作者:Matthew Heusser

  Type "test tool, how do I pick one?" into Google, and you'll find a wide variety of answers, from open source to best of breed—based on many different assumptions. One result assumes an ideal situation where you need a GUI-based test tool that does not require programming, while another claims that automated tests are code, and a third is more interested in test tooling as examples and documentation that just happens to be executable.
  According to Connor Roberts, director of quality and testing for Liquidity Services, organizations sometimes introduce or swap testing tools just because a new manager had experience with a tool at a previous company, or just to save money and look better on the budget sheet.
  "Teams that end up using it every day finds themselves with the same frustrations as before, just in a slightly different flavor."
  —Connor Roberts
  The failure: Not asking if the tool actually addresses the problems the team needs to solve.
  Tool selection is often based on criteria that are less than optimal. So what are the right ones? Here are seven key things you to consider when choosing a functional testing tool.
  1. Defect categories
  What are the showstopper bugs that appear, and where do they appear? That's an easy enough question to ask; most teams with a bug tracker can find the answer over a lunch hour. That kind of research might find the majority of bugs in the business logic, the database layer, or the graphical user interface (GUI).
  If the more important bugs are in the GUI, then test automation of the business logic through unit tests won't add much value. It certainly won't be the first place to start.
  Although this is the first question, it can also be the last. After selecting a tool, return to this question. Review the recent defects that matter, found both in test and in production, and ask if the tool realistically could catch those types of defects. If the answer is "probably not" or worse, then restart the tool selection process.

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