appium1.6.3 发布支持 toast 识别
iOSFix issue where we might try and uninstall an ssl cert from a real device where this isn't sensible
Fix another issue with acceptSslCerts where it might potentially miss the correct sim UDID
iOS - XCUITest
主要是更新了wda的版本, 以及xpath的性能提升. 其实如果想用新版本绕过appium直接用wda也没啥.
Upgrade version of WebDriverAgent used. Includes following updates:
Improve xpath query performance
Verify predicates
Fix crash for some xpath selectors
Decorate proxied getSession response with Appium's capabilities (fixes issues with clients that call getSession to determine server capabilities and are confused by WDA's non-standard response) (#7480)
Fix issue with starting XCUITests on a real device, due to changes in WDA that invalidated our startup detection logic. (#7313)
Allow connecting to an already-running WebDriverAgent through the webDriverAgentUrl capability, rather than starting our own
Fix bug where we would attempt to get target SDK version from manifests even when they might not include it. (#7353)
Actually pass the acceptSslCerts capability to the underlying automation so that it can have an effect (#7326)
Updated permission granting logic to speed up permission granting by doing it in bulk rather than one at a time (#7493)
Hide the new permission granting logic behind an autoGrantPermissions capability which doesn't attempt to grant permissions unless it's true (#7497)
Android - Uiautomator2
这个是之前很多人关注的功能, 大家可以测试下看看. selendroid早就知道了, 这算是uiautomator2第一次支持吧
Add ability to verify TOAST messages (these can't be interacted with, only text retrieval allowed)
支持windows的自动化, 比上版本增强了
Actually upgrade WinAppDriver to 0.7 (#7445). Includes following updates:
Click on arbitrary elements
Support for sendKeys modifiers
Various bugfixes
Added GET /orientation
Added support for WPF apps
Unable to start WebDriverAgent: Error: Command 'idevicedate -u a58bdd10033efffd5261d606ec221744c973b6d9' exited with code 255
有没有遇到这种情况的 所以验证toast是用uiautomator2咯,印象中uiautomator2是编成APK执行的,和uiautomator的jar方式不一样的,所以在capabilities设置上会不一样了吗? 八戒你干嘛 发表于 2017-6-28 16:16
所以验证toast是用uiautomator2咯,印象中uiautomator2是编成APK执行的,和uiautomator的jar方式不一样的, ...
import { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } from `appium-uiautomator2-driver`
let defaultCaps = {
app: 'path/to/your.apk',
deviceName: 'Android',
platformName: 'Android',
automationName: 'uiautomator2'
let driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();
await driver.createSession(defaultCaps); python client没有对应更新吧