菜鸟求教!!"LOADRUNNER错误:Vuser 初始化扩展 LrXml.dll 失败"
本帖最后由 测试狗哟 于 2015-5-12 09:05 编辑录制完点击运行按钮的时候报错(回放的时候也这样报错):
警告: 扩展 LrXml.dll 报告在调用函数 ExtPerThreadInitialize 时出现错误 -1
错误: Vuser 初始化扩展 LrXml.dll 失败。
Vuser Terminated.
或者找个环境干净一些的机器进行安装 赞 赞 赞 Complete the following steps to work around the issue:
1.Navigate to the following location: <LR>\\dat\\protocols
If it is web protocol, go to QTweb.lrp
if it is citrix protocol , go to citrix.lrp or citrix_ica.lrp
2.Go to LRP file based on the script being used,
3.Open the relevant file in a Notepad
4.Look for: ResultsDirUI=1
5.Comment it out by adding a semicolon. For example: ;ResultsDirUI=1
6.Save the changes to the file
终于自己找到解决方案了。。希望能帮到大家!! 测试狗哟 发表于 2015-5-14 11:31
Complete the following steps to work around the issue:
1.Navigate to the following location: \\dat\ ...