[ 本帖最后由 xihong2004 于 2008-1-18 11:38 编辑 ] 解决方法:
var_RowCount = Browser("新意新一代证券综合管理平台E-SIM6.0").Page("新意新一代证券综合管理平台E-SIM6.0_2").Frame("frmbody").WebTable("选择").RowCount()
var_GetCellData = Browser("新意新一代证券综合管理平台E-SIM6.0").Page("新意新一代证券综合管理平台E-SIM6.0_2").Frame("frmbody").WebTable("选择").GetCellData(var_RowCount,3)
While not var_GetCellData="地区管理总部"
var_RowCount = var_RowCount -1
var_GetCellData = Browser("新意新一代证券综合管理平台E-SIM6.0").Page("新意新一代证券综合管理平台E-SIM6.0_2").Frame("frmbody").WebTable("选择").GetCellData(var_RowCount , 3)
bmjsmc_index = cstr (var_RowCount)
[ 本帖最后由 xihong2004 于 2008-1-18 11:44 编辑 ] 谢谢了 问题:
QTP执行时无法取到bmjsmc_index,不会在相应的webcheckbox中打勾 QuickTest Professional identifies WebCheckBox objects using an index value. The checkbox the user needs to select may appear in different positions on the page. Is there a way to select the checkbox using its adjacent text?
Use the custom WebCheckBoxByLabel function (Internet Explorer only)
This function is not part of QuickTest Professional. It is not guaranteed to work and is not supported by Mercury Customer Support. You are responsible for any and all modifications that may be required.
WebCheckBoxByLabel( parent, arg )
parent The Page object containing the checkbox item you want to select
arg The text to locate
This function uses the DOM object, so it will only work on Internet Explorer.
Function WebCheckBoxByLabel( parent, arg )
' Create a description for the WebCheckBox object
Set desc = Description.Create()
desc("type").Value = "checkbox"
desc("html tag").Value = "INPUT"
' Retrieve all WebCheckBox objects on the page
Set cbcol = parent.ChildObjects(desc)
cnt = cbcol.count
' Loop through the WebCheckBox objects
For obj = 0 to cnt-1
' Get the text next to the checkbox
text = cbcol(obj).object.getAdjacentText("afterend")
' Is this the text we're looking for?
If arg = Trim(text) Then
cbcol(obj).Set "ON"
Exit For
End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "Page", "WebCheckBoxByLabel", "WebCheckBoxByLabel"
Browser("Browser").Navigate "http://support.mercury.com"
Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebCheckBoxByLabel "Remember me"
The above method sets the first instance of the WebCheckBox with the specified text that is found on the page. If you need to specify the instance, the function will need to be modified.
If the WebCheckBox objects are contained within a WebTable object, you can also refer to the following articles:
Document ID 21805 - How to select checkbox in the WebTable by the content next to it
Document ID 27498 - How to select a checkbox in an HTML table based on a value in another column Use the custom user-defined function WebTableSelectCheckbox
To locate a row in a WebTable based on the content of a specified cell, use the GetRowWithCellText method. For inforamation on GetRowWithCellText, refer to Document ID 47222 - How to find a row in a WebTable using the text of a specified cell.
To select a checkbox in a WebTable based on text near it, you can also use the custom WebTableSelectCheckbox function.
This function is not part of QuickTest Professional. It is not guaranteed to work and is not supported by Mercury Technical Support. You are responsible for any and all modifications that may be required.
The WebTableSelectCheckbox function will search through a Web (HTML) table, locate the item being searched for, and select the item's corresponding checkbox.
WebTableSelectCheckbox (WebTblObj, ItemToLocate, ItemColumn, ChkBoxCol)
WebTblObj The table object which is created before executing the subprocedure.
ItemToLocate The item in the Web table to locate.
ItemColumn The column number that needs to be searched.
ChkBoxCol The column number that contains the checkboxes.
Sub WebTableSelectCheckbox (WebTblObj, ItemToLocate, ItemColumn, ChkBoxCol)
' Total number of rows in html_table
TotalRows = WebTblObj.RowCount
' Remain in loop until all rows are searched or until the item is found.
For row= 3 To TotalRows
' Retrieve the item from the specified column
ValueShown = WebTblObj.GetCellData(row,ItemColumn)
' If item retrieved matches the item searching for, set the
'checkbox located in the specified column, and exit the for loop.
If (ItemToLocate = Trim(ValueShown)) Then
Set ChkBoxObj = WebTblObj.ChildItem(row, ChkBoxCol,"WebCheckBox", 0)
ChkBoxObj.Set "ON"
Exit For
End If
End Sub
' Corresponding column numbers for each column
colSELECT = 1
colNAME = 2
colEMPID = 3
' Create an object for the Web table, this object will be passed into the sub procedure.
Set MyObj = Browser("Multiple Oper").Page("Multiple Oper").WebTable("Direct Reports")
' Locate the "323214" object in the colEMPID column and set the checkbox in the first column.
WebTableSelectCheckbox MyObj, "323214", colEMPID, 1
You can also register the function so it can be used directly with the WebTable object. For information on registering custom functions for use with test objects, refer to Document ID 25943 - How to register a user-defined function for use with objects
RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "WebTableSelectCheckbox", "WebTableSelectCheckbox"
Browser("Multiple Oper").Page("Multiple Oper").WebTable("Direct Reports").WebTableSelectCheckbox "323214", colEMPID, 1
Another solution would be to use the .Object method to access the DOM to find and select the object.
This suggestion is supported only in Internet Explorer.
1. Use the DOM to locate and get a reference to the row with the text you want. You can use descriptive programming to find the TR element with an "innertext" value containing your needed text.
For more information on accessing the DOM and using the .Object property, please refer to the following articles:
Document ID 13590 - How to access all the objects in a webpage (Internet Explorer)
Document ID 21834 - How to access an object's methods and properties
2. Get a collection of the checkbox objects in that row.
3. Loop through the collection to set the checkbox.
The following code clicks the checkbox next to the word "Rachel" in the table in the attached HTML file:
' find the table row that contains the text we are looking for
Set row = Browser("Friends").Page("Friends").WebTable("Favorite Friends:").WebElement("html tag:=TR","innertext:=.*Rachel.*").Object
' get all the objects in the row that have an INPUT tag
Set CheckBoxes = row.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")
' click on the checkboxes
For Each obj In CheckBoxes
' Once found, click the checkbox...
If (obj.type="checkbox") Then
End If
Next Use the custom user-defined function WebTableSelectCheckbox
To locate a row in a WebTable based on the content of a specified cell, use the GetRowWithCellText method. For inforamation on GetRowWithCellText, refer to Document ID 47222 - How to find a row in a WebTable using the text of a specified cell.
To select a checkbox in a WebTable based on text near it, you can also use the custom WebTableSelectCheckbox function.
This function is not part of QuickTest Professional. It is not guaranteed to work and is not supported by Mercury Technical Support. You are responsible for any and all modifications that may be required.
The WebTableSelectCheckbox function will search through a Web (HTML) table, locate the item being searched for, and select the item's corresponding checkbox.
WebTableSelectCheckbox (WebTblObj, ItemToLocate, ItemColumn, ChkBoxCol)
WebTblObj The table object which is created before executing the subprocedure.
ItemToLocate The item in the Web table to locate.
ItemColumn The column number that needs to be searched.
ChkBoxCol The column number that contains the checkboxes.
Sub WebTableSelectCheckbox (WebTblObj, ItemToLocate, ItemColumn, ChkBoxCol)
' Total number of rows in html_table
TotalRows = WebTblObj.RowCount
' Remain in loop until all rows are searched or until the item is found.
For row= 3 To TotalRows
' Retrieve the item from the specified column
ValueShown = WebTblObj.GetCellData(row,ItemColumn)
' If item retrieved matches the item searching for, set the
'checkbox located in the specified column, and exit the for loop.
If (ItemToLocate = Trim(ValueShown)) Then
Set ChkBoxObj = WebTblObj.ChildItem(row, ChkBoxCol,"WebCheckBox", 0)
ChkBoxObj.Set "ON"
Exit For
End If
End Sub
' Corresponding column numbers for each column
colSELECT = 1
colNAME = 2
colEMPID = 3
' Create an object for the Web table, this object will be passed into the sub procedure.
Set MyObj = Browser("Multiple Oper").Page("Multiple Oper").WebTable("Direct Reports")
' Locate the "323214" object in the colEMPID column and set the checkbox in the first column.
WebTableSelectCheckbox MyObj, "323214", colEMPID, 1
You can also register the function so it can be used directly with the WebTable object. For information on registering custom functions for use with test objects, refer to Document ID 25943 - How to register a user-defined function for use with objects
RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "WebTableSelectCheckbox", "WebTableSelectCheckbox"
Browser("Multiple Oper").Page("Multiple Oper").WebTable("Direct Reports").WebTableSelectCheckbox "323214", colEMPID, 1
Another solution would be to use the .Object method to access the DOM to find and select the object.
This suggestion is supported only in Internet Explorer.
1. Use the DOM to locate and get a reference to the row with the text you want. You can use descriptive programming to find the TR element with an "innertext" value containing your needed text.
For more information on accessing the DOM and using the .Object property, please refer to the following articles:
Document ID 13590 - How to access all the objects in a webpage (Internet Explorer)
Document ID 21834 - How to access an object's methods and properties
2. Get a collection of the checkbox objects in that row.
3. Loop through the collection to set the checkbox.
The following code clicks the checkbox next to the word "Rachel" in the table in the attached HTML file:
' find the table row that contains the text we are looking for
Set row = Browser("Friends").Page("Friends").WebTable("Favorite Friends:").WebElement("html tag:=TR","innertext:=.*Rachel.*").Object
' get all the objects in the row that have an INPUT tag
Set CheckBoxes = row.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")
' click on the checkboxes
For Each obj In CheckBoxes
' Once found, click the checkbox...
If (obj.type="checkbox") Then
End If
Next 晕了:L 狂晕了 以上是对webcheckbox进行处理的三种方法。代码很简单,就是英文而已,为什么要晕呢? 我的建议:
用webtable的方法获得地区管理总部的行,这样这个webcheckbox的行列都固定了。我觉得这个方法最简单。 具体的webtable的函数自己查一下帮助好了,都有的。 原帖由 frankwangzy1103 于 2008-1-18 18:28 发表 http://bbs.51testing.com/images/common/back.gif
谢谢大家的帮忙! 哇...顶阿...偶也正好遇到这样的问题呢 求救呢哇... 原帖由 xihong2004 于 2008-1-21 10:38 发表 http://bbs.51testing.com/images/common/back.gif
谢谢大家的 ...
set obj = Browser().Page().Webtable().ChildItem (Row, Column, "WebCheckBox", Index)
obj.set "on"
还有行号不固定没关系啊,可以每次调用的时候get这个行号就行了,只要它的innertext"地区管理总部"存在就能得到的。 不是吧...楼主现在的问题是qtp录制不了勾选webcheckbox的问题阿,也就是说对象库里也不存在这个对象阿..
我也想过楼上的办法,但不知道webtable括号里面的值怎么取得阿?到哪里取找哇.... 原帖由 flyingkite 于 2008-1-23 13:06 发表 http://bbs.51testing.com/images/common/back.gif
Webtable很好确定的,你用spy随便点一个webtable里面的对象,他的上面的节点里面就有webtable的,因为我看到他的截图是一个table。 我用了你的方法
set obj = Browser().Page().Webtable().ChildItem (Row, Column, "WebCheckBox", Index)
obj.set "on"
object requirede 用描述编程搞定了
webcheckbox(index:=行号).set "ON" 研究下webtable()方法